By Wendy Sosa

March 15, 2019 — Wendy Sosa

We want you at our Doll House! To know all the Requirements for...

We want you at our Doll House! 
To know all the Requirements for this position visit

July 25, 2017 — Wendy Sosa
Tags: storenews

Get in shape for summer!

We’ve all heard the expression, “winter workouts make summer bodies, ” and Miami is home to the “summer body.”  The weather is perfect year-round, so there’s no excuse not to work out!  But if you’re located in an area where winter is not so workout-friendly, here are our 10 tips to staying fit year-round.

  1. Try a class-Not a gym person? Take a class. It’s a great place to socialize, make friends,...
April 18, 2017 — Wendy Sosa